
Sunday, March 28, 2010

My sewing weekend - Practising the Artistry Dipe and Diaper Cover

I spent alot of time sewing this weekend. I first made two Artistry Dipes. The below pic is one of them. The other I placed on my sons bottom as I was going to test how long it took to wet through but he christened it within 10 mins so I had to take it off him. Typical of Mitchell....

The 'Dipe' is a OSFM and can go into all Diaper Covers from Artistry. I made two with differnt amounts of Bamboo to test how they go with lasting and also with laying them in the various sizes of covers. The below is an example of it laying in a small cover. You just fold it down in smalls (and newborns) covers.

The below is a large cover I made for Mitchell. It is too big for him and he is definitely a medium. He normally is a large in most nappies but I should really go by the weight range for this pattern for Mitchell.

The size comparison between a Large cover and a small cover

The 'Dipe' layed out in the Large Cover

The Large cover done up with the 'Dipe' inside:
I am so excited as I am pretty happy with the results.

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