
Monday, September 26, 2011

2 newborn small tester nappies off to their new home

Tester Nappies!

These two are off to their new homes today (I also made another for belly babe too). I really want these to fit from 2.5kgs or 3kgs and thus I am taking it with me to the hospital to test. My bub will be apparently about 3kgs when he becomes earthside and I hope it will then last to about 7kgs or so - of course depending on the bubs shape and then my other size will then be to toilet training. The other size was a OSFM (One Size Fits Most) work in progress for such a long time but I found it didnt fit my son who is about 16kgs if I made it for the smaller bubs too thus I changed it so that it now fits my son and I am confident it will last until he toilet trains as he now has extra snaps. I have had reports that it fits from about 6 months or so but not with little bubs thus the 2 sizes. Right now my son barely fits into other large nappies due to his chunky thighs. I may ask a couple more people to test how long they last in terms of kgs once I am out of hospital and have time to make a couple more just to be thorough. I will also take pictures of my oldest son when I get out too.

Thank you!

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